Game street fighter pc
Game street fighter pc

Guile: From the United States, Guile is a U.S.

game street fighter pc

In Street Fighter II, he has four special attacks and combo moves.

  • Blanka: From Brazil, Blanka is a mutant human with green skin, orange hair, and the ability to generate electricity.
  • Honda is a Japanese Sumo wrestler with six special attacks and combo moves, include punch and kick attacks. Ryu has three special attacks: Shoryuken, and uppercut punch where Ryu lifts off ground Hadouken, a ball of energy fired at the opponent and Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, a flying spin kick.

    game street fighter pc

  • Ryu: From Japan, Ryu is probably the most recognizable character from the Street Fighter series and is considered the lead character.

  • Game street fighter pc